Maura Biava
Porphyrin green, 2016
Organometallic red, 2016
Organic yellow, 2016
Porphyrin orange, 2016
Solar pigments and graphite on glass
In collaboration with Simon Mathew and Joost Reek (HIMS, UvA)
“I see the act of making in direct relation to my work. It can be seen as a wish to involve a performative aspect. There might only remain an image after an action. The work has an affinity with science and mathematics, which I employ as a language to inform and create forms as well as to analyse them.”
Maura Biava
– Spira Mirabilis of Bernoulli & Lame' curve M=4, 2013
– Rose of Grandi a=3,b=2 & Epitrochoid of Durer, 2013
– Zero #06, 2016
Prints and ceramic installation
Colour, light and the future of solar energy – Maura Biava at Hims Lab
Artist Maura Biava experiments with the pigments developed by Simon Mathew of the HIMS lab at University of Amsterdam. His colours not only capture and reflect light, but also transform light. How art expresses electricity. For the art historians amongst us: blue is still the most precious colour.